What Time Is It?

The first few minutes of this audio contain minor interferences. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
What time is it in your life today? Are you going through difficult times? Or life is good  no matter what time it is, it’s time to know God.

1. Time to know God.
No matter what stage our life we are we always ends to look for the opportunity to know God more.
You may find yourself in one of the three time zones of your life.
EGT – experiencing good times. Good times are a gift from time. When you have this gift you have to acknowledge the Giver.
EDG – experiencing difficult times. Times of weeping, crying and sadness. Gouging through these times can make us blame God for allowing bad things to happen to us. But bad times are necessary to grow. Times of grief allow us to learn God from different side as a God of compassion and comfort.
ECT – experiencing confusing times. Times when we have a lot of questions. Even though we may not have an answer right now, we must trust that God will eventually provide an answer.

2. Time to live with eternity in mind.
Ecclesiastes 3:9-22
Something within us know that life is temporary and that there’s something  more beyond death. We were created in God’s image. That’s why we have that eternal yearning. And only God can fully satisfy that need and make us truly content.
That’s why all that chase after popularity, richness, careers is temporary and has no value in the eyes of God.
How much time do we spend thinking about eternity? Are we long-term spiritual thinkers? Are we thinking about eternity. Are our hearts attached to worldly things?